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2007年9月20日 星期四

Roll block with Jorge Posada .

相信大家都有看到紅襪 Eric Hinske從三壘衝回來撞倒 Jorge Posada似乎要置人於死的這個畫面,這個衝撞確實是合法的Tag out沒錯,這就是美式運動為什麼常常會發生幹架,可是當他撞倒捕手 Jorge Posada 時我的心裡卻是有一種難過,我在網路上曾看過他的故事,讓我很心酸,藉此分享給各位,讓大家瞭解這位洋基捕手不二人選 Posada 背後一段故事。

Jorge Posada and his wife, Laura, could only wait while their son, Jorge Luis, had surgery this past December. He had just turned 7 years old, yet this was his eighth operation to treat a congenital birth defect, craniosynostosis.
在2000年十二月當他們的兒子Jorge Luis開刀時,Posada和他的老婆Laura所能做的只有等待。他才剛滿七歲,這卻已是他為了治療天生的新生兒缺陷「顱縫線過早癒合症」而進行第八次手術。

The Posadas waited anxiously for six, eight, 10 hours while the boy's skull was being taken apart so the bones in it could be reshaped and reassembled to give him a normal-shaped skull."I was brave," Jorge Luis said. "I was a little bit scared, though.
"當這個小男孩的頭蓋骨被截取部份,好讓骨頭可以重新塑形以給予他一個正常的頭型,Posadas著急地等待6小時…然後8小時…10小時。"我很勇敢," Jorge Luis說,"雖然我有一點點害怕。

"Perhaps, his parents prayed, this surgery would finally grant their wish and give their son a normal life. Perhaps, they dreamed, they could take Jorge Luis home and not have to put him through any more operations. Perhaps, they hoped, he would be healthy and happy and no one would ridicule him for having a funny-shaped head.
或許,他的雙親祈禱這個手術終將達成他們的願望,給予他們的兒子一個正常的生活。或許,他們夢想…可以帶小Luis回家,再也不必讓他承受任何手術。或許,他們希望 他將會健康快樂地長大,沒有人因為他奇怪的頭型而嘲笑他。

"We are praying that that was the last one, the last big operation," said Posada, the Yankees catcher. "The way Dr. Staffenberg described it, he said he was going to do everything possible to make sure that that was the last big operation. It was tough times."我們不斷的祈禱那是最後一個、最後一次的大手術",洋基捕手Posada說," 就像Staffenberg醫生講的那樣,他說他會盡全力確保那是最後一次大手術。那真是艱難時刻。

"Craniosynostosis affects approximately one in 5,000 babies, said Staffenberg, the surgical director at the Center for Craniofacial Disorders at The Children's Hospital at Montefiore in the Bronx. Craniosynostosis is sometimes hereditary, though not in Jorge Luis' case. It is characterized by the premature closure of one or more fibrous joints, or sutures, keeping the brain and skull from growing properly. It can generally be corrected with one operation.Montefiore兒童醫院顱顏異常中心外科主任Staffenberg醫生說:每5,000個新生兒中就會一個發生顱縫線過早癒合症。「顱縫線過早癒合症」有時是由於遺傳,但Jorge Luis的病例則不是。它是因單一或多個顱骨間的縫隙過早形成骨接合,而造成大腦及頭蓋骨發育不完全,通常可藉由手術來導正。

Jorge Luis was an exception.Jorge Luis卻是例外。

Jorge Luis' skull remained asymmetrical, his neck tilted to one side, his left eye socket was out of line, and one-third of his skull bone was missing -- leaving his brain unprotected in case of a fall or bump on the head. Said his father: "If he bumped his head on the corner of the table, it could be really severe."Jorge Luis的顱骨形狀不對稱,他的頸部偏斜一邊,他的左眼窩偏離,而三片頭蓋骨中的一片不見了-這使得他的頭部容易因跌倒或撞擊而失去保護。他的父親表示,如果他的頭部撞到桌角,後果真的不堪設想。

The reactions of others put his parents in anguish. Laura recalled one particularly cruel afternoon, when her husband was on deck at Fenway Park and a fan called out that Posada's son "looked like he was retarded."其他人的反應也讓他的雙親陷入極度痛苦。Laura回想起一個特別令人心痛的下午,當他的丈夫在芬威球場,而一個紅襪球迷說Posada的兒子看起來像個遲緩兒
After Jorge Luis' latest operation, they should never hear comments like that again. Staffenberg split a portion of the skull bone in two, and used the newly divided piece to cover the unprotected portion of his brain. He also removed previously inserted plates and pins, and plastic surgery covered up the scars.在Jorge Luis最近一次手術後,他們應該再也不會聽到那種話。Staffenberg醫生將頭蓋骨的一部份切分為二,並且使用剛切開的骨蓋去填補腦部缺乏保護的部位。

"I've got to say, things look really fantastic now," Staffenberg said, "and everyone is really pleased with how well he's done ... Both mom and dad were in the intensive care unit all the way through the weekend. Dad helped me change the bandage. Dad helped me take about 200 stitches out of Junior's scalp. They were both just extraordinary.""我必須說,現在看起來真的很神奇",Staffenberg醫生說,"而且每一個人都真的為他的表現良好感到高興….他們兩人無時無刻都參與護理看護直到度過這個星期,Posada幫我換繃帶,幫我從頭部表皮拆200條縫線,他們真的很不可思議。

It has been a long journey since Jorge Luis was diagnosed with craniosynostosis days after his birth Nov. 28, 1999. His parents met while Laura was working both as a lawyer and on a Puerto Rican TV show. After one show, she and some friends went to a lounge. That's where she met Jorge, who told his friend, "I'm going to marry that girl." They got married a few months later and they soon had a new baby on the way. "You get your first child, your first-born, and you hope that everything's good, and it wasn't," Posada said.這是一段漫長的旅程,自從Jorge Luis1999年11月28日出生被診斷出「顱縫線過早癒合症」開始。他的雙親彼此相遇,當時Laura是一名律師也為Puerto Rican電視秀工作。在一場秀之後,她和幾個朋友去一家lounge(bar),在那兒她遇見Posada,他告訴他的朋友…我將會娶那個女孩。在幾個月之後他們結婚,不久就新添了小寶貝。"你擁有了第一個小孩,你的第一個寶貝,你希望萬事美好,然而卻事與願違。" Posada說。

Laura said: "Your world crumbles, and you're upset, and you're ignorant about this condition. The worst thing is that it's beyond your control."Laura說:"你的世界崩解潰散,你被狠狠擊垮,但你卻對它一無所知,最糟的是這不是你所能掌控的。

"had his first surgery at 7 months old, and the next soon after. "You get nervous," Posada said. "You cry at night the night before. The first two operations were during the season, and I wasn't here for pretty much 10 days. I played, but I wasn't here ."Jorge Luis第一次開刀是在7個月大,而且下一次開刀不久又來到。"你真的是膽顫心驚," Posada說,"在開刀前你哭了一晚又一晚…,前兩個手術是在球季期間,我有大約十天的時間不在,我上場比賽,但我的心不在那裡。

"In the fall of 2000, the Jorge Posada Foundation was created to raise awareness of craniosynostosis and funds for research and treatment. He had already wanted to begin a foundation and said his son's condition "was like a sign from heaven."在2000年秋天,Jorge Posada基金會成立,為了喚醒人們對「顱縫線過早癒合症」的重視,及籌募研究與治療經費。他早已期盼籌建一個基金會,也表示發生在他的兒子身上的事就像上天給予的徵兆。

When Laura's not with Jorge Luis and their 41/2-year-old daughter Paulina, she's running the foundation. On Monday, they hosted the Heroes for Hope Gala at the Pierre Hotel in Manhattan. About a dozen Yankees attended. The dinner and auction raised more than $680,000, doubling last year's total.當Laura'沒和Jorge Luis及四歲半的女兒Paulina待在一起時,她就是全心投入基金會工作。星期一,他們在Manhattan的Pierre飯店表揚希望晚會的英雄們,大約有12名洋基人到場。這場晚宴及拍賣共募得超過$680,000美元,是前年募款總額的兩倍。

Jorge Luis was the night's star when he welcomed the guests, greeted by a hearty ovation. With their son's health problems, they hope, behind them, the Posadas can just be a family. Perhaps not surprisingly, Posada is having a career-best season, batting .354 with 41 RBIs in 59 games entering Friday. "That's why Jorge is having the year that he's having," Laura said, "because we can relax and breathe, and not worry. We can look at [Jorge Luis], and he's so smart and normal and healthy. For the first time, we can enjoy it, and not have people stare at him."Jorge Luis是當晚的明星,當他在那迎接貴賓時,受到真心的熱烈歡迎。考量兒子的健康因素,他們希望在兩人的保護下他們終將成為真正的家庭。或許這並不令人驚訝,Posada正處於職棒生涯以來狀況最佳的球季,在59場比賽中打擊率.354、41 RBIs。" 這就是為什麼Jorge今年表現如此驚人,因為我們可以放鬆喘口氣,不用再憂心忡忡。我們可以看著他,他是如此聰明、正常健康。第一次,我們可以好好享受,不會再有人盯著他瞧。

"No more thoughts of hospitals and needles and pain. Jorge Luis, who was playing on the field before Friday's game at Yankee Stadium, is otherwise occupied, saying: "I like to play with my friends, and play video games, and color and play baseball."不用再想著醫院,不用打針,不會再挨疼受痛。在洋基球場展開星期五賽事之前Jorge Luis在場上嬉玩,他終於有另外一種生活,他說 " 我喜歡跟我的朋友玩,還有玩電動,畫畫以及打棒球。"

