白襪明星外野手Jermaine Dye,日前抗議主審Mike DiMuro的好壞球,過於激動於本壘板摔盔,當下被驅逐出場外,Jermaine Dye認為印地安人投手Cliff Lee,在2好2壞後的投出的顆球感到非常不服氣,認為這顆太靠近他了,氣到把頭盔用力一砸,似乎也碰觸到Mike DiMuro。過不久白襪隊的總教練Ozzie Guillen也在旁邊碎碎唸被一起趕出場外。
Updated: June 5, 2009
On May 13 in Cleveland, Dye was ejected by plate umpire Mike DiMuro after being called out on strikes with the bases loaded in the sixth inning. Dye argued briefly with DiMuro and was ejected after slamming down his helmet, which bounced off the umpire.
2009年5月15日 星期五
Jermaine Dye摔盔禁賽兩場
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